Monday, June 30, 2008

Answer E4

The answer is LPPC Office Lounge (highlight to reveal)

The solution is to find the center of the paper. Using the center as the reference and all the numbers as a 24hrs time (e.g. 1000 is 10am), extend the line from the center like a hour hand, and you will reach the letter you want.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Clue E4

Clue E4 (Code word: Crazy)

Flavor Text: Mr Sun Yat Sen was a great man and his memorial hall is certainly special. If the colour of your hair is an indication of your age, then I probably look much older than I actually am. I have a lot of white hair you know. I’m graying before my time. They tell me that I’m lacking some elements in my body and caused the premature graying. Something about vitamin B-12 deficiency. If you are young, remember to eat enough foods that contain B-12 that you need so that you won’t be gray before your time. Stuff such as mollusks, clam, liver, beef and trout are rich in B-12 and are good for your hair. Why am I telling you this? Oh, purely for aesthetic reasons. Who doesn’t want more young, virulent-looking people in this world. Anyway, you will know how to find me, I’m the one with all the white hair. Here’s the next clue so that you can continue on your way.


Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Answer E3

The answer is Vowels (highlight to reveal)

The web represents A.
The march represents O.
The walk on a single petal is a U (shape).
The bridge is an I.
And the spiral walk is an E.

I think all teams solved this easily. I guess you have to be there.

The purpose of this leg of the race is to hide a secret sequence that would be used in another leg of the race for another route. I will share about this when we come to it.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Clue E3

Clue E3 (Code word: Tourism)

As the Health theme of this game, the challenges continues to be about the physical.

At the Bishan park, participants are asked to do 5 activities, and then they must deduce a word that is related to their 5 activities.
1. To climb up a web.

2. To march round a rock.
3. To walk one of the flower petal on a foot-reflexology path.
4. To cross a bridge
5. To stroll a path like a spiral

Can you guess the word?

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Answer E2

And the answers are: (highlight to reveal below)

Group 1: Booty, Sitar, Bull, Elbow, Buff, Peacock, List,

Group 2: Levi, Pantie, Widens, Boo, Sit, Bull’s eye, Bow,

Group 3: Buffet, Cock, Enlist, Leave, Pant, Dance

The reason for this Charade potion is to record the charades for these words into youtube. The youtube clips is later shown as Clue number 6 of Route I. Teams therefore can know one third of the words from their teammates of Route E. And by guessing the rest of the words, they will solve their final destination of Route I. Stay tuned if you want to know how to solve this.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Clue E2

This leg of the race is a charades game.

See if you can see what the answers were. The first 3 youtube clip is 4 about unrelated words. Look at the final clip for all the words. It should be a total of 20 words.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Answer E1

Clue E1:

The tallest of the last of the first of the plus of the roundest of the closest duo of the downward of the sunken of the plentiful of the capital of the right of the week.

And the Answer is The Tower at Toa Payoh Park (highlight to reveal answer)

The solution to this clue is that when we describe the 1st something of the 2nd something, we are referring to the actual letters of the word that is the 2nd something. So as a hint, right of the "week" is the letter K, because K is the rightmost letter in the word that consist of W,E,E,K.

This is actually one of the oldest trick in the book in riddles, which I will have giving out in games like this as a freebie since it is so easy. So I will put in a line like "tallest of the elves" if I want the letter L.

But this year I added a twist that almost killed me. I created a chain such that the 1st something of the 2nd something of the 3rd something and so on are all interlinked. So I have have to constantly think of adjectives that can be a solution object and yet another adjective. That I finally formed this string of words is a miracle.

Final twist to the puzzle: The first part "The tallest" is not part of the string. It means the the tallest of the "rest of the string", hence referring to the Tower. And that is what determined the usage of this coding of this leg of the race. :)

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Clue E1

Starting today (I finally have a breather), I will be revealing one clue a day, and the answer the following day. I will also talk about the clue so that future game designers will learn from my experience.

There are all together 10 routes. I will describe Routes A-D in One Body, E-G in One Spirit and H-J in One Faith. Have fun solving!

Flavor text E1

I have been studying health for a long time. It is my passion and my life. I would love to have the opportunity to have an in-depth discussion with you on your health once we overcome the danger and restore serenity to the world once again.

You still there? Don’t run away just because I am fascination with health. You have a quest to undertake here. First, take your pulse. What’s your heart rate? Monitor your breathing. Too fast? Well, brace yourself. It’s going to get worse. You will be going on a fast-paced, thrilling adventure that is going to affect your heart rate and respiratory rate like never before. Hold on tight, buckle up and get ready for the ride.

Clue E1:

The tallest of the last of the first of the plus of the roundest of the closest duo of the downward of the sunken of the plentiful of the capital of the right of the week.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

GLs, please add your members in here!

Are there more feedback? Which is your favorite clue, and which is your least favorite one, and why?

Would you like all the clues of this game to be listed here?

Information 5

For any other people who are interested in what we have tried to do for this event. This Games day is based on The Game. Click on the link, and you will see that it is basically a high level puzzle solving game. For a first time effort from all of you, kudos on a extremely fine effort.

There are 3 factors that elevated the event today even above the usual The Game format.
1. It is a coorperative game. Clues taken along different routes are interlinked so that all groups are dependent on one another to solve the entire 60 location puzzle. This is only possible because of the participation from many presbyterian churches.
2. Though later versions of The Game has become increasingly IT based, being one of the latest version means that we get to hide even more clues in the cyberspace. So blogs, web comics, photo albums, networking sites, MSN etc were utilised.
3. This event was done in love. Sacrifices from both organizers and participants were made because we believe in giving so that all may receive. And like all acts of love, I hope the good will can continue to multiply in the future of our Presbyterian unity.