Thursday, May 29, 2008

Team C

Okay I'm supposed to use that as the title for my post.

Anyways, I'm Lynn from Trueway. (: Currently 18, studying in NUS High and can't wait to graduate. Yupp and I'm feeling extremely bored at home.

It's impossible for me to say everything about myself in a short post. So well, get to know me and you'll find out!

God bless,

P.S. I'm really looking forward to Synod Youth Games Day..everything except carrying my laptop and cable round the whole Singapore. BTW, can I be assured that there are power plugs at all places? My laptop batt has a pathetic life of 20-30 mins. lol. ttfn.


Latria said...

Please edit this so that you include the label "group C" or "team C".

Latria said...

"BTW, can I be assured that there are power plugs at all places?"

With regards to this question: no such assurance. This is a resource management exercise too. Finding places with power plugs to keep your laptop alive is part of the game. All the rest of the groups/teams face the same challenge.


Lynn said...

aw man okay. Maybe I'll go borrow batts or sth. Anyone has extra Acer laptop batts?? Can lend? Thanks a mil in advance! (: