Saturday, May 31, 2008

3rd Clue and Location

Our previous clue led us to Wan Qing Yuan, which is Dr Sun Yat Sen's memorial place.

the clue we had was a large piece of paper, with random letters all over the place. a second piece of paper had sets of 4 numbers, corresponding to clock times. hence, a clock had to be drawn in the middle of the large paper. The minute hands of the clock were used to connect a straight line to the letters. The clock times eventually gave us:


where V was actually a mistake on their part.

Hence, we made our way back to Kuo Chuan Presby School, where LPPC's office is located.

Here, we were made to play minesweeper, where the flags actually formed words. The word formed from our game was "Point", but I don't think this is crucial or of much significance.

The keyword given here is "Dolphin" and the next location is Shrewsbury Road, or more specifically, Pr Wilson's house carpark.

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